Friday, July 30, 2010

School Supply Shopping

I went and did a little school supply shopping tonight. I only grabbed what I could remember because I forgot to put the supply list in my purse.
I do not remember Jake's list being so long and detailed last year! Wow!
I figured I would blog about the expenses and see what the grand total is when I am actually done with it.

This post will be updated and crossed off once I actually purchase the items. I estimate it will be roughly $300 for everything including uniforms...not including outerwear, even though we need to purchase larger sizes this year. Really If I had more than 1 kid I would go broke  buying everything!!!!

5 uniform polos
5 uniform pants
2 uniform shorts for hot days (luckily these still fit from last year)
5 undershirts because white polos are see thru
1 approved sweater/sweatshirt to wear in school because only certain ones can be worn (reuse from last year)
1 pair of new shoes
1 backpack

Also needed but optional I socks and underwear. It makes it more fun to have all "new" stuff for a new school year.
Because Jake had a growth spurt we also need :Winter Jacket, Light Jacket for fall and spring plus snow boots, hat and gloves (reused from last year)

Now for the required school supply list!!!

Item---------------------------total cost not including taxes which are 10.25% in my county
$10 mandatory----------$10
1 5 subject notebook
1 24ct crayola colored pencils
2 48ct crayola crayons
2 disinfectant wipes (no baby wipes) $1.99 each on sale - $3.98
2  4ct dry erase markers
4 large erasers
1 addition flash cards
1 subtraction flash cards
7 folders with pockets
3 8oz elmers glue
5 glue sticks--------2 for .25-----$0.75
2 jumbo glue sticks
1 highlighter
1 blank index cards 3x5
1 lined index cards 4x6
1 lg box klenex
1 box markers
7 70pg notebooks
2 soft pencil cases
1 pencil sharpener with cover
8dz pencils
2 durable homework folders
1 red pen
1 ruler
1 5in scissors
2 qt zip lock bags